ACWAY defines “youth” as those persons between the ages of 16 and 40 without prejudice to other definitions. As an intentional means to actively involve youth in decision-making spaces, and as a deliberate agenda, ACWAY upholds the following points:

  1. Youth should be included from the start of the process and be actively involved in decision-making processes. 
  2. The right support and training should be provided to youth (and youth organizations), where needed, in order to effectively work in different sectors and levels of society. 
  3. Resources (financial and otherwise) should be identified and secured for young people/youth organizations in order to facilitate their effective involvement at Interfaith Forums as well as in delivering local community projects 
  4. Meaningful and weight-bearing roles should be created and reserved for youth in different decision-making spaces and interfaith platforms 

Recommendations to involve youth at the G20 Interfaith Forum

  • Young people need to be a critical part of the planning processes ahead of the Forum, such as on Working Groups and the organising team
  • Young people should be given space to contribute across a number of topics in the programme (in panels/plenaries and other sessions).  Within the category of Youth, there is the intentional inclusion of those from minority communities/groups. There should be the following included in the programming as part of the main forum:
    • A Youth Panel slotted at an appropriate place in the programme.
    • An Intergenerational Dialogue Panel consisting of ‘elders’ and young people to share experiences and ideas.
    • For young people to speak at more than just the youth panel (on other panels where possible)
    • To select young people to take on additional support roles such as Chairs/Co-chairs, MCs, ushers and similar administrative/logistical roles.
    • Youth-only space for engagement, networking, connection and dialogue.  This can take on several formats from formal youth fora to side events and meetings.