



21 February 2020

  • In Guadalajara, ACWAY Fellow, Elias González organized an interfaith retreat in Chantepec , Jalisco, México.
  • The event was attended by 19 participants from 7 different religions.
  • Participants took part in several interactivities: participating in Shabbat; sharing canticles for all the traditions, and talking about personal experiences as practitioners in each tradition.

Just some weeks after the interfaith retreat, the COVID-19 arrived in Mexico. Guadalajara, the city where all these religious people live, in today the hot spot of the pandemic. What this interfaith group did is amazing: instead of just lock themself out of the world, they are using the kitchen of a Hindu restaurant in order to cook free vegetarian food for the people that are sleeping outside the hospitals waiting for new about their sick relatives. This has been going on for almost 3 months, and you can see Hindu, Christians, Jews, Atheists, Buddhists, etc. working together cooking and sharing food all over the city.

 – Elias González, ACWAY Fellow