



17 July 2016

The series of activities started on 19 th June 2016 and finished on 17 th July 2016 with 4 different kinds of activity every weekend.
 Introduction to Interfaith (June 19 th, 2016)
The first activity took place in Paroki Hall, Gereja Hati Kudus Yesus Kota Metro, gathered around 45 participants representing 3 religions (Islam, Catholic, and Christian). Activity started by the opening, introduction, games, team up and bonding, and presentation of interfaith dialogue. The participants were very interested to the subject as this is rather new for them.
Half an hour before the breakfasting, we were invited to come inside the Catholic Church and visit the House of Maria. Inside the church, participants learnt about the worship supplies and got chance to watch the fellows Catholic did Angelus pray. After visiting House of Maria, all participants had breakfasting together, which also closed the activity of that day.

 Interreligious Sharing Knowledge (June 26 th , 2016)
Second activity took place in Pura Giri Natha Kota Metro with approximately 50 participants representing Islam, Christian, Catholic, and Hindu. The agenda for second activity was interreligious sharing knowledge which was lead by the Pedande Pura Giri Natha Kota Metro, explained about life philosophy according to Hindu, about Karma and afterlife. Participants were also invited to enter the temple and saw how the Hindu participants do their prayer. After that the activity was closed by breakfasting together and group photo taking.

 Food Sharing (July 3r, 2016)
After the dialogue, sharing, and gaining knowledge about interfaith, it is time to serve the community. The third activity took place in Masjid Taqwa Kota Metro. Located right in the city center, participants got easy access to people in need of food and daily supplies. Cooperating with Alumni of Senior High School 1 Metro, we shared more than 120 packages of food and drink to rickshaw driver, street child, and street sweepers. We also shared food with people who had breakfasting at the mosque. One accident happened after we shared food; some hoodlums came and tried to snatch the food for participants even though we already shared some snacks. They kept standing around us and saying rude words. Eventually one hoodlum threw us shoes right on face for not giving the food. We asked assistance from the mosque’s caretaker, but after the caretaker left they came back and bother the participant. This caused the activity ended
sooner than expected. Just right after drinking and eating a little dates and bread, we left.

 Peace Canvas (July 17 th , 2016)
The last activity was meant to be the closing activity. Took place in the Paroki Hall of Gereja Hati Kudus Yesus, this activity was meant to conclude the three foregoing activities done in Ramadan. Not only the closing, but participants made Peace Canvas too. Every paper has a question “What does peace mean for me?” and they may answer the question full paper with drawing, words, doodle, or any creative things they wanted to create. We also encourage the participants to speak up about their impression on this project, as well as their wish for further implementation with door prize mug with ACWAY logo on it. After the closing remarks, Azizah as project director gave the placards to representative of four different involved religious institutions which are Gereja Hati Kudus Yesus, Gereja Kristen Indonesia, Masjid Taqwa Metro, and Pura Giri Natha Metro. The last activity was also covered by local media “Radar Metro”. Activity closed by music performance, enjoying snack and cake, and distributing certificate for participant who already joined activity at least twice.